In order to meet our Clients’ needs, guarantee the quality of BNH processes and uphold security requirements, BNH has and maintains various certifications.

ISO 9001: 2015 BNH Software and Training Services are ISO 9001:2015 certified. To achieve certification, BNH demonstrated ability to consistently provide products & services that meet both our customer and applicable statutory / regulatory requirements, as well as continually enhance customer satisfaction. View Certificate.

Cyber Essentials BNH is Cyber Essential Certified. In demonstrating compliance with the standard, BNH proved that its security controls address cybersecurity effectively and mitigate risk from internet-based threats. View Certificate.

Controlled Goods Certification BNH is Controlled Goods Certified, which allows our organization to examine, possess or transfer controlled goods within Canada. View Certificate.

Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) – Facility Security Clearance Secret Level BNH has Facility Security Clearance (FSC) Secret Level which deems BNH eligible, from a security viewpoint, to access classified and protected information and assets designated ‘secret’ level as well as lower classification levels.