Dozens of Excel based Data Collection Forms are provided to simplify and speed offline data collection from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).  The attributes and options within each form (Job Tasks, for example) are identical to the corresponding (Job Tasks) fields within ADVISOR.  Once completed, the data can be uploaded to ADVISOR Enterprise with a few mouse clicks.  Although the import function is fairly intuitive, to minimize errors, please read and follow the instructions.


To collect projects’ attributes including the name and contact information of project leader. View form.

Training Devices

To identify training devices for a project and collect high level requirements; including venue to be used for conducting the analysis, terrain, environmental conditions and user controls. View form.


To identify jobs that will be trained on a trainer/simulator and collect attributes; including job descriptions and number of employees. View form.

Job Objectives

To identify performance or enabling objectives that will be trained on a trainer/simulator and collect attributes; such as standards, the conditions under which the objective is performed, cues, and so forth. View form.


To identify courses where the training device will be used. View form.

Learning Objectives

To identify learning objectives, instructional goals or teaching points that will be trained on the trainer/simulator; including learning outcome, knowledge/skill level and standards. View form.

Training Device Components

To identify key components within a training device that require further consideration – i.e., with specific fidelity requirements. View form.

Synthetic Environment Elements

To identify key virtual world elements – i.e., objects within the virtual world that users are expected to interact with. View form.


To identify how users will interact with virtual world elements/objects. For example, detect, observe, recognize, identify, communicate, engage and so forth. View form.

Sensory Cues Categories

To identify and define categories for sensory cues. These may include, as an example, visual, tactile, olfactory, affective, auditory, and so forth. View form.

Sensory Cues

To identify and define the cues within each sensory category. For example, the visual cues category may include brightness, color, field of view, and so forth. View form.

Sensory Cues Options

To facilitate data analysis, for each sensory cue, users can be provided with options to choose from. For example, the following options may be provided for brightness: high, medium, or low. View form.