Answers to questions posed by the ADVISOR Users are now available online and will be updated regularly.  Whether searching for a technical answer to a current problem, tips on how to perform a specific function or tricks to minimize effort needed to carry out a task, check out BNH’s responses below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, then email your question to


Yes, by installing the Oracle Client on your computer (workstation).

No. You should run the installation program/CD from the server on which the database is or should be installed

There are two steps for upgrade ADVISOR.
1. Upgrade Database
The following information is needed for this step:
* Database Link
* Database Name
* Password for the user “client”

2. Upgrade Java Code
The following information is needed for this step:
* Database Link. The parameter used to link to database. In general, it has the following format – dbhost:dbport:dbname, where:
dbhost – Database host/computer name
dbport – Database port (for example 1521)
dbname – Database name (for example adv)

* Password for the user “client”
* Destination Directory – i.e. where ADVISOR is currently installed
* What web server ADVISOR is running on and web server directory

* Pentium IV with 512 MB RAM

* 200 MB of free Hard Disk Space

* Windows XP, ME, VISTA, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, NT, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 or Oracle Solaris 9.0 or higher

* Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari

In the file located under …/BNH/Advisor/adv/WEB-INF/classes directory.

* 2 CPU Processor with 8 GB RAM
* 50 GB of free Hard Disk Space
* Windows 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, NT, or Oracle Solaris 9.0 or higher, or Linux Red Hat 6.0 or higher         

* Web Server that supports Java Virtual Machine and can run Java Servlet.  Supported products, include:

  • Tomcat 8.xx or 9.xx [Note: There is a shift in Tomcat version 10 from Java EE to JakartaEE]
  • IBM WebSphere version 4.0 or higher
  • Resin
  • Oracle Application Server
  • JServ
  • Others

* Java version 1.8 or higher or JDK 14.0.2 open source available

* Oracle version 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c or 21c.  If access to Oracle is not available, Oracle 21x Express Edition (XE) may be used at no additional cost.  Please note that although XE can be installed on any host, XE limits user data storage to 11 GB of data, only uses 1 GB of memory and one CPU on the host machine.  Oracle Standard Edition Two License can also be purchased from BNH.  Limited to computers with two processors.

Yes, the modifications are maintained in all future releases. When we customize a feature, we tag relevant nodes, tabs and labels that hold this functions to the module number assigned to the client. This will in-turn ensure that (a) this function is only available to the client and (b) be part of the ADVISOR system including any future releases.

ADVISOR supports Oracle versions 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c or 21c.  If access to Oracle is not available, Oracle 21x Express Edition (XE) may be used at no additional cost. Please note that although XE can be installed on any host, XE limits user data storage to 11 GB of data, only uses 1 GB of memory and one CPU on the host machine. Oracle Standard Edition Two License can also be purchased from BNH. Limited to computers with two processors.

Only Oracle database version 11g and higher is required. If your organization does not have Oracle, then you may purchase Oracle Standard Edition 2 from BNH.

The only other 3rd party software that may be shipped with ADVISOR is Crystal Report Engine for viewing reports. This engine can be distributed freely to any organization that owns a copy of the “Crystal Reports Developer Edition”. Otherwise, you may be required to purchase a copy.

This error was reported on Tomcat 4.1.24 when there are spaces in the path. Two options may be used to resolve the issue:

a. Uninstall Tomcat and reinstall in a location with no spaces in the path;
b. Install another version of Tomcat, 4.1.27 for example.

This error was reported on Windows XP platform because it sets Thumbs.db as a system file. Two options may be used to resolve the issue:

a. Unzip BNH\ manually to ADVISOT_HOME, and setup ADVISOR manually, or
b. Set all Thumbs.db files under the current ADVISOR directory to non-system file before upgrading.

* BNH is certified under the “Controlled Goods Registration Program” (#020638) that entitles BNH to examine, possess or transfer controlled goods in accordance with Defense Production Act and the Controlled Goods Regulation (

* All data sent/received is encrypted using SSL from Network Solutions, protecting against disclosure to 3rd parties.

* Comprehensive procedures are in place to detect and prevent unauthorized access, including:
a. Blocking (denying all requests from) IP where requests are being generated, and notifies system administrator, after 10 unsuccessful attempts.
b. Hosting ADVISOR on a separate Server protected by a firewall.

* Server is physically stored in a secure location, protected with an alarm system connected to a 24 hour monitoring service.

* Only two individuals have access to database where client data is stored. Procedures are in place to monitor the details of each access.