Answers to questions posed by the ADVISOR Users are now available online and will be updated regularly.  Whether searching for a technical answer to a current problem, tips on how to perform a specific function or tricks to minimize effort needed to carry out a task, check out BNH’s responses below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, then email your question to


When you start a new Project the initial configuration follows the “Client” setup. To make specific changes to a Project, you should stop the cascading (by clicking on green arrow next to Client field to change to red and Save).

Three principle venues are used for analysis: Mission Analysis (SAT approach), System Analysis, and Job Analysis (ISD) approach. All cases will lead to Task Analysis. The Tasks under the Missions and Systems are referred to as Project Tasks since they can be assigned to multiple jobs and Tasks under the Job are referred to as Job Tasks (unique to the Job).

There could be several reasons:
1. If you go to the Project (Analyze Tab > Projects Folder > Project Node > “Status” Field > Verify that Private is not selected, i.e. should be Public.

2. Go to Projects Folder > Project Node > Sharing Tab > Verify the user is selected.

3. Go to Setup Tab > User Accounts folder > User node > Clients Tab > Ensure the Client (who the project belongs to is checked off)

4. Verify the User’s Privileges > Go to Setup Tab > User Accounts Folder > User Account > Check that user has the following privileges selected:
a. Mission Goals Analysis Perform; and
b. Job Analysis Perform.

5. Verify that the User has not filtered the Project from his line of view. Go to Analyze Tab > Project Folder > Click Filter Options and Ensure the Project is selected and not being filtered.[

We recommend the creation of Team Tasks under Project Tasks to allow the analyst to assign the same (Team) Task to multiple Jobs as well as multiple Missions. This would allow you to generate Master Task List Report & Master Training Task List Report for the various Missions that the team undertakes (under Project Reports folder), identify which Jobs perform which Tasks, and identify the specific training requirements for each team member – as well as the team.

• Project Tasks, Mission Tasks and System Tasks are one and the same. Each time a Task is added under a mission or system, it is automatically added to the Projects Tasks folder. Project Tasks can support (be assigned to) multiple missions and performed by (assigned to) multiple Jobs. This implies, if the attributes of a Project Task change, then the attributes of the Task under all Missions or Systems will automatically change.

• Job Tasks are tasks performed by a specific Job. These can be added directly under the Task Analysis folder under a specific job, or generated from Project Tasks. If tasks are solely added under the Job Analysis folder they will not appear under the Project Tasks Folder, because they only apply this particular Job.

• However, you can also generate Job Tasks from Project Tasks. To generate Job Tasks from Project Tasks, click on the Project Tasks node under the job, select the desired Project Tasks for the job and click save. To minimize rework, Job Tasks are automatically linked to corresponding Project Tasks and the Cascade function is turned on (green arrow). This implies that anytime the Project Task attributes change, these will automatically cascade to the Job Tasks. If on the other hand you wish to make specific changes to the Job Task, then the Cascade function can be turned off (red button). In this case, changes made to the Project Task will no longer cascade to the Job.

The Criterion model relies on more attributes to generate results including Task Requires Immediate Action, % of Individuals Performing Task, Personnel Safety, Safety of Others, Environment Safety and Data/Equipment Integrity. If some of these attributes are not completed no results will be displayed. DIF relies on Task Difficulty, Importance and Frequency.

To verify if the KSA Gap Analysis has been completed do the following:
• Go to Analyze Tab > Job Analysis Folder > Performance Objectives Folder > Knowledge/Skill Gap node > Specify current level of KSA of the target audience (Desired should already be filled out from level specified at the KSA needed to perform a Job Task)

• If Current level of KSA is less than Desired Level, training is required. If this is the case, the field will turn blue and a Learning Objective will automatically be created under the Learning Objectives Folder. To view the learning objectives go: Analyze Tab > Job Analysis Folder > Performance Objectives Folder >Training Node > Learning Objectives folder.

• In order to complete your KSA Gap Analysis you will need to specify current KSA levels for KSAs at the Performance Objective and Enabling Objective level. Once completed, you can then link the KSA Gap to a Course: Design tab > Course Analysis folder > Target Audience > Select Job > Select Link Training to Knowledge/Skill Gap node > Click save.