Department of Defense Handbook Instructional Systems Development / Systems Approach to Training (MIL-HDBK-29612-2A) key requirements are outlined in an 8 part series.
Planning begins with a Needs Assessment & continues through the fielding of the instructional system. The primary objective of the Needs Assessment is to identify the cause of performance deficiencies & solutions that maximize the use of resources.
When a Needs Assessment indicates a training requirement & the resulting instructional system concept has been approved, the Analysis phase of the ISD/SAT process can commence. Data collected in the Analysis phase will provide the foundation for training Design, Development, Implementation & Evaluation.
Multiple steps are included in the Design phase. These include: Develop & Categorize Learning Objectives (LOs), Construct Learning Analysis Hierarchies, Identify Prerequisites, Review Existing Material, Develop Test Items, Determine Instructional Strategies, Select Instructional Methods & Media, Analyze Resource Requirements and Design Lessons.
Multiple activities are included in the Development phase. These include: Develop Job Aids, Prepare Course Control Document (CCD) and Lesson Plan, Develop Tests and Instructional Materials and Track the Quality Process.
Implementation is conducted prior to launching the course, to ensure that instructors & supervisors are prepared to conduct & administer the training; all required resources (i.e. personnel, equipment, facilities & systems) are available; & all necessary personnel & resources are in place to support & maintain the system.
Evaluation is integrated throughout each activity of the instructional development process. It starts in the Planning phase with the development of an evaluation plan & continues for the life cycle of the training system. The focus of the Evaluation is on the continuous improvement of the training system quality.
Training Systems Requirements Analysis (TSRA) describes the basic purpose of the training platform, equipment & system; type of training provided; location & performance requirements. In addition to identifying learning objectives, TSRA provides the rationale for using training devices including viability, costs, availability & maintainability.