Overview ADVISOR Needs Assessment module provides a step by step approach for understanding a problem before selecting the solution – in other words, before assuming that training is the solution. Needs Assessment provides an audit trail and serves as the foundation for decisions by zeroing in on the source of the problem and identifying solutions that can produce the desired level of productivity. Moreover, ADVISOR highlights actions that will generate the greatest impact. Read brochure.

Features & Benefits

1. Module 1 - Mission Goal Analysis

Performance Gap Analysis

Assess and validate actual missions/goals performance and compare to desired performance to identify performance gaps.

3. Module 1 - Competency Analysis

Performance Measures Analysis

Assess the impact of performance gaps.

4. Module 1 - Job Analysis

Job and Performance Analysis

Identify Jobs and Tasks that contribute to performance gaps. Assess ability to perform Tasks to the desired standard.

9. Module 1 - Facilitate Configuration

Data Required

Highlight data needed to assess the cause of the problem. Provide questionnaires for collecting data from employees, supervisors, subject matter experts, and so forth.

5. Module 1 - Task Analysis

Root Cause Analysis

Quickly zero in on the root cause of a performance deficiency by considering crew and supervisors’ feedback, tools, policies and work environment to identify viable solutions.

6. Module 1 - DIF Analysis

Solution Effectiveness Analysis

Assess and rate the impact of plausible solutions.

1. Module 2 - Speed Data Collection

Speed Data Collection

Collect data from employees, supervisors, subject matter experts, etc., offline through custom-built questionnaires. Exchange data with other systems through xml.
3. Module 2 - Facilitate Collaboration

Facilitate Collaboration

Store all data in a centralized database – accessible anytime and from anywhere by team members with only a Browser. Track changes made by each individual.
12. Module 1 - Facilitate Reusability

Facilitate Reusability

Search, locate and copy relevant missions/goals, jobs and Taks among projects with ease.
6. Module 2 - Store common measures

Speed Analysis

Quickly Identify Jobs and Tasks that may contribute to a performance gap; as well as plausible solutions to address performance gaps.
14. Module 1 - Maintain Aligment

Minimize Waste

Avoid solutions with minimal impact on performance deficiency, solutions that do not meet organizational need or contribute to bottom line – i.e., costly decisions based on faulty assumptions.
5. Module 2 - Minmize errors

Maximize Impact

Prioritize solutions based on impact – i.e., where budget and resources should be allocated.
15. Module 1 - Minimize Training Creep

Speed Report Generation

Produce Root Cause Analysis and Needs Assessment reports in a single click.
7. Module 1 - Objective Analysis

Solution Analysis

Assess the impact of each intervention and prioritize recommendations.


Col. Eric MacArthur. Canadian Forces College.

“BNH delivered as promised …” Read more.

Joyce Miligan. Training Manager. New Brunswick Tel.

“Very user friendly. Covers all aspects you should consider when making a decision”.

Brandon Hall. Editor of Multimedia and Internet Training Newsletter.

“ADVISOR is a very powerful, useful tool for making decisions about which medium is right for your organization. A significant contribution to the training industry”.

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