Features & Benefits
Performance Gap Analysis
Assess and validate actual missions/goals performance and compare to desired performance to identify performance gaps.
Performance Measures Analysis
Assess the impact of performance gaps.
Job and Performance Analysis
Identify Jobs and Tasks that contribute to performance gaps. Assess ability to perform Tasks to the desired standard.
Data Required
Highlight data needed to assess the cause of the problem. Provide questionnaires for collecting data from employees, supervisors, subject matter experts, and so forth.
Root Cause Analysis
Quickly zero in on the root cause of a performance deficiency by considering crew and supervisors’ feedback, tools, policies and work environment to identify viable solutions.
Solution Effectiveness Analysis
Assess and rate the impact of plausible solutions.
Speed Data Collection
Facilitate Collaboration
Facilitate Reusability
Speed Analysis
Minimize Waste
Maximize Impact
Speed Report Generation
Solution Analysis
Assess the impact of each intervention and prioritize recommendations.
Col. Eric MacArthur. Canadian Forces College.
“BNH delivered as promised …” Read more.
Joyce Miligan. Training Manager. New Brunswick Tel.
“Very user friendly. Covers all aspects you should consider when making a decision”.
Brandon Hall. Editor of Multimedia and Internet Training Newsletter.
“ADVISOR is a very powerful, useful tool for making decisions about which medium is right for your organization. A significant contribution to the training industry”.