Dozens of macromedia flash instructional videos have been developed, to outline how various functions within ADVISOR are performed. The videos are organized by category (Processes, Configuration, ADVISOR Concepts, Training Analysis and Training Design). A list of video clips under each category can be viewed by clicking on the category title. To play the video, click on the title.
How to setup clients, including hierarchy. In addition to specifying data to be collected, analysis to be conducted and delivery options supported, you can also specify the currency, inflation rate, as well as default values for each client. View video.
To speed course analysis and preserve consistency, instructional design and cost templates and resources can be created, stored and managed in a central location, and shared with users/analysts. View video.
How to setup user accounts and assign privileges to colleagues, partners and clients. In addition to setting-up username, password and privileges, you can specify an expiration date for the account as well as limit the number of courses a user can manage. View video.