Dozens of papers have been presented at various conferences worldwide and published in multiple training magazines.  The white papers address a broad range of topics that many training organizations struggle with; including: how to align training with operational/business requirements and measure impact; how to maximize the impact of training, improve performance and drive efficiency; how to forecast training budget/resources and manage training requirements; and much more.  Click on titles below to read/download.
How to Simplify & Speed Training Needs Analysis. Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is crucial to operational readiness and mission success. TNA identifies the most cost effective training solution needed by each job/role to perform tasks to the desired standard. Moreover, TNA provides the foundation for strategic training decisions. For example, who should be trained on what and why; which training programs will have the greatest impact; how much money, personnel and resources are needed; and so forth. See more.
How to Manage Training Requirements. The training requirements of aircrafts, ships, vehicles and other military weapon systems and equipment are derived from the tasks needed to operate and maintain various sub systems such as engine, navigation, communication, etc. Although, dozens of Tasks may be needed to operate the equipment and maintain each sub system, the volume of data exponentially increases as the Tasks are decomposed into Sub Tasks, and as the Knowledge/Skills needed by each Sub Task are derived. Managing training requirements becomes even more complex when accounting for unique variant features & capabilities, as well as, each tracking each target audience’s unique requirements. See more.
How to Maintain Training Alignment. Good design should always start with operational requirements. Once the tasks and standards (indicators of competence) of each job profile are defined, the DIF model can be used to assess training priority based on their difficulty, importance and frequency. Additionally, the knowledge, skills, attitudes and level of competency needed to perform each task can be identified. Gaps can then be detected by comparing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to perform each task to those that individuals already possess – i.e., the training needed to enable them to perform their job to the desired level. See more.
How to Maintain Compliance. Good design should always start with operational requirements to ensure efficient training. In theory, training needs analysis should perfectly align training with operational requirements; but environments are not static. So, as missions, goals, jobs, equipment, policies, and tasks evolve, the alignment of courses and training activities with operational requirements gradually deteriorates. Identifying and eliminating training creep (i.e., unnecessary training) reduces the time needed to build competencies, cuts training development and maintenance costs, all while improving training efficiencies. See more.
How to Drive Training Efficiency. Although in theory, Training Needs Analysis (TNA) should perfectly align training with operational requirements, the environment is not static. So, as missions, jobs, equipment, policies, tasks and so forth evolve, the alignment of training with operational requirements will gradually deteriorate. BNH Training Management System ADVISOR Enterprise maintains training effectiveness and efficiency over time by quickly identifying training creep, training gaps, training duplication, bottlenecks, cost drivers, and opportunities to leverage training technology. See more.

Increasing XR Technology’s Return on Investment through Media Analysis. Augmented reality, and mixed reality, promise to transform how we train. Research results in manufacturing support this promise and innovative ideas are generating a multitude of new projects. How do we ensure we are getting the best return on investment (ROI) when using XR before we commit significant resources? What do we need to account for in advance before we invest in XR training solutions? What are the limitations in developing sound competencies and proficiencies in learners using XR technology during training? In this paper, we examine research on the effectiveness of XR training solutions and compare competency and proficiency results against traditional training methods. See more.

Predictive Model to Assess Personnel Readiness. Readiness within military organisations and civil defence forces is typically assessed through elaborate exercises that mimic various real-life scenarios. A predictive model is presented for maximising the impact, efficiency and success of military, civil defence and collaborative training exercises by aligning missions/goals and operational requirements to equipment and personnel to identify deficiencies, knowledge/skill gaps and actions that would increase the chances of success. See more.
Training Management System – The Missing Link. Provides insight on how ADVISOR Enterprise drives training efficiency by aligning training with operational requirements to identify gaps, duplications and training with minimal value; uncovering cost drivers; forecasting and comparing the costs of viable delivery options; improving resource allocation; identifying/mitigating bottlenecks; and so forth. See more.
Collaborate to Innovate and Drive Training Efficiency. The primary focus of military training organizations is to continually supply qualified, operation ready individuals that meet the operational needs of various commands. Although current structure/processes are designed to produce effective training programs, they are not necessarily efficient. The paper highlights shortcomings of current approaches; and illustrates the added benefits that can be realised by facilitating communication and interaction among various teams through a decision support tool. See more.
Evolution of Maintenance Training for Phalanx Mark 15 Close-in Weapon System. In many organizations training development is performed through the application of some variant of Instructional Systems Development (ISD) or Systems Approach to Training (SAT) model. The steps or processes which comprise each ISD/SAT Phase have become quite diverse; and training staff no longer have sufficient procedural guidance with which to design, develop and manage training. As a result, training analyses and curricula development activities vary widely. This divergence impacts training effectiveness and in many cases becomes cost prohibitive. See more.
Six Steps for Aligning Training with Organizational Goals. Aligning training with organizational goals is no different than the alignment of marketing, IT, and other support functions to business strategy. Once the business goals are clearly articulated and prioritized, it is a matter of identifying who needs to do what to achieve these goals, and whether individuals have the knowledge and skills to perform the tasks to the desired level. What remains is simple mathematics to identify actions that will generate the greatest impact. See more.
Blueprint for Planning Training. In a knowledge economy, an organization’s ability to quickly adapt to changing realities is critical to its success. To facilitate the upkeep of knowledge and skills, workplace learning professionals seek innovative training design models and delivery methods so they can provide the right information at the right time to the right people. When considering a significant investment or deciding among multiple requests, executives need to be able to review a quantitative measurement that addresses how training will help the unit and organization attain its goals, whether training is worthwhile, and how training compares to other organizational initiatives. The following white paper proposes a blueprint to plan effective and efficient training. See more.
Forecasting Methodology that Maximizes Training Efficiency. One of easiest venues for improving training efficiency is to uncover the most economical way to develop, deliver, administer, manage, maintain and support training programs. For example, if instructor-led, web based and internet virtual classroom can be used for IT training, then which option is the most economical – taking into account the complexity of the training material, stability of the content, course length, trainees throughput, trainee to instructor ratios, individuals that travel, and so forth. See more.
Maximize the Impact of E-Learning Programs. Heading into 2008, Booz Allen was predicted to have 20,000 geographically dispersed employees. To meet the training needs of its expanding workforce, Booz Allen needed to consider alternatives to classroom delivery. To meet the challenge of developing e-learning training that addressed their global expansion and also attracted and retained learners, Booz Allen conducted an in-depth analysis of target groups and training programs as well as the costs and ROI of alternative training. By understanding the costs and potential impact of blended delivery options, Booz Allen was able to avoid costly errors and make the most of resources. See more.
Financial Impact of ISD Decisions – How to Calculate the True Cost of Blended Learning. When selecting the right blend of delivery options most analysts tend to focus on their area of expertise, namely the effectiveness of alternate delivery methods in meeting learning, audience or corporate needs. Once options that do not meet critical requirements are weeded out, you will most likely be left with a number of plausible delivery options that can meet the training needs to a varying degree. Although selecting the right blend among plausible alternatives can have significant impact on the costs of the training program, participants productivity as well as organizational goals – financial considerations are rarely factored in the decision making process. See more.
Maximize Training Impact by Aligning Learning with Business Goals. If training activities impact employees’ performance and organizational goals, how can this impact be quantified? Which training programs can yield the best results and why? Are there more effective and efficient ways to deliver training and are they worth it? To maximize training investment, resources should be focused on the most important initiatives. Otherwise resources may be wasted on programs with minimal impact on organizational goals. This paper presents a process for capturing the costs and benefits of instructor-led, eLearning and blended solutions; assessing the impact of various initiatives on performance, missions and goals; identifying reasons behind success/failure; and maximizing investment. See more.
Where Training Resources Should be Allocated. Proper allocation of training budgets and resources requires fundamental and important business decisions. Unless the organization’s training function is a revenue-generating business, the demand for training most likely exceeds capacity and budgets are likely viewed as an expense – which is continually scrutinized. As a result, resources need to be focused on those initiatives that are important and which can demonstrate value. Managing training budgets and resources should be no different than managing any other investment. The issue is how much time, money and resources are required to run programs versus the benefits generated in return. See more.
From Classroom to Boardroom – Six Strategies to Maximize Impact of Training Budgets and Resources. We’ve heard it over and over again – for most executives training is at the bottom of the totem pole. For some it is necessary to meet government regulations, for others it is a perk for attracting and retaining the right individuals, and occasionally facilitates the introduction of new initiatives. But at the end of the day training is perceived as an expense, a drain on the bottom line – and as a result it is being continually scrutinized. Since funds for various initiatives (including training) are allocated in the planning phase, ROI studies on current training programs are of minimal consequence. An alternate approach is proposed in this white paper. See more.
How to Effectively Manage and Optimize Training Budgets and Resources. Do you know which training programs are having the greatest impact, and why? Do you know the true cost of training a sales representative, customer service staff, call center employee, or developing supervisory and management skills? Do you wonder about the implications and consequences of your eLearning decisions? Can you confidently demonstrate the value of your training programs? Can you forecast your training budget over the next 3 or 5 years? In other words, are you making the most of your training budget and resources? ADVISOR Enterprise is a decision support tool to help organizations manage and optimize training budgets and resources. See more.
Selecting the Right Blend of Delivery Options. How do you measure the impact of eLearning on your organization? You must have heard by now that eLearning provides just-in-time access to training material when and where it is needed. Moreover, it reduces travel costs and in some cases time required to complete the training. On the other hand, questions on the effectiveness of this delivery medium are being raised. Some claim that eLearning is boring and as a result individuals are not completing the courses, and it is more difficult to motivate people to take online courses. So how do you balance effectiveness and cost, and determine which eLearning method should be used? This paper presents a practical model for making sound eLearning decisions. See more.
Is Training Necessary… and Sufficient. “I need a training program on …” the opening statement in what often turns out to be a costly, frustrating and unsuccessful campaign to achieve the desired performance. The rational for training seems clear. We are implementing a new system, receiving too many complaints from our clients, not selling enough products, etc. On the other hand, several prominent researchers have demonstrated that most performance deficiencies in the workplace are due to environmental factors. Yet, when a performance gap occurs, the default intervention is all too often training. To put it in simple terms – if the gap is not due to a lack of skills and knowledge, don’t train! Moreover, even when you determine that training is necessary, is it sufficient? See more.
Introduction to Virtual Classrooms. High touch, high tech. The idea does not seem credible. It seems like a catchy oxymoron suitable for an ad, not the real world. Yet, that is exactly what the virtual classroom seeks to accomplish: give the learner the essence of the classroom experience at a distance. A virtual classroom is unlike its physical predecessor because it is indifferent to geography space or time. See more.

Rent or Buy a Virtual Classroom System. It may be the single most important decision to make about a virtual classroom system – and the most difficult. Should you buy a client-server system and install it on your internal system, or should you rent a system hosted by an application service provider, or ASP? The major differentiators of the ASP versus client-server installation decision are … See more.

Rent or Buy a Learning Management System. It may be the single most important decision to make about a learning management system – and the most difficult. Should you buy a client-server system and install it on your internal system, or should you rent a system hosted by an application service provider, or ASP? The major differentiators of the ASP versus client-server installation decision are … See more.