Maximize Productivity with a Training Planning Tool
by J. (Jay) Bahlis, Ph.D., Eng.


The main objective of training is to improve performance. Whether athletes are conditioning themselves for the next competition or accountants studying for their CA certification; as the old saying goes, “practice makes perfect.” However, if we are not focusing on the right material at the right time, our efforts will leave us short of the mark and lead us to question whether the time, money and effort invested in training has been worthwhile.


Often, in haste to see results, we overlook the importance of analyzing needs before rushing individuals into training. Without fully understanding the reasons behind their problems, the outcome will most likely be disappointing due to a miscalculation in the steps needed to achieve the results.


Given this situation, how can you attain the results that everyone desires? Through ADVISOR Enterprise – a single unified framework that aligns organization’s goals with tasks needed to accomplish goals and knowledge/skills needed to perform tasks. In addition to capturing the knowledge and skills needed by each group (occupation) to perform various tasks, ADVISOR prioritizes the training needs of employees’ based on impact. In other words with ADVISOR you will know which training program will generate the greatest impact and why.


Moreover, with ADVISOR you can easily zero in on the source of a performance deficiency, identify solutions that can produce the desired outcomes, assess the potential impact of each solution, allocate resources to programs that will generate the greatest impact as well as monitor, evaluate and validate the results. In other word, with ADVISOR you can determine where training budget and resources should be allocated.


But that is not all. ADVISOR Enterprise can further enhance productivity and optimize training budget by assessing the viability as well as computing and comparing the costs of alternate blends of delivery options – including instructor-led, training devices, formal as well as informal synchronous and asynchronous eLearning. In other words, with ADVISOR you can also find out how training should be delivered.


By helping you forecast, compile and compare the cost and impact of training programs at the planning stage, you will be in a position to identify who should be trained, on what and how – given the resources currently available. As a result, money and resources can be allocated to programs that will generate the greatest benefit (impact) at the lowest cost.


To find out how ADVISOR can help you forecast, plan and manage training budgets and resources from a central location, monitor the costs and impacts, as well as identify ways to run training programs more effectively and economically, please click on ADVISOR Enterprise.




Contributions, on what worked and didn’t – including practical tips, advice, white papers, case studies, articles, reviews, online seminars, software tools and research reports – are welcomed.  Please send to  Full credit will be given to author.


For information, comments and questions please contact (Jay) Bahlis at (800) 747-4010 x 21 or or visit the ADVISOR site at


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About BNH


Established 1987, BNH helped hundreds of organizations align learning strategies with business goals. We are result oriented. We offer products, services and workshops to assist HR, training and business professionals in managing training budgets, measuring impact on the bottom line as well as identifying ways of reducing costs and improving productivity. Our products include ADVISOR Enterprise – Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Management Tool, ADVISOR – Media Selection and Return on Investment Tool, ADVISOR – Needs Assessment Tool to Improve Performance, and Answer Me THIS…! – Create Educational Games. BNH can be reached at (800) 747-4010, (514) 745-4010 and found on the web site at

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Last updated on January 27, 2016.